Al igual que la mayoría de la gente, tengo solo 3 ó 4 abrigos en mi armario. No es una prenda que compres cada mes, ya que un buen abrigo suele ser voluminoso, caro y difícil de encontrar. El problema llega cuando el invierno se acerca a su fin, y acabo harta de esos 3 ó 4 abrigos, especialmente cuando quiero llevar un conjunto que no pega ni con cola con ninguno de ellos, y tampoco puedo salir a la calle sin nada encima porque aún hace demasiado frío.
Siempre he admirado los abrigos antiguos, porque están tan extremadamente bien cortados y los materiales con los que están hechos son tan exquisitos, que incluso son más bonitos que el vestido que hay debajo. Aquí tengo tres buenos ejemplos de abrigos de los años 20 que me hacen soñar. Puede que no sean las prendas más prácticas del mundo, ¿pero a quién le importa eso cuando algo es tan bonito?
Like most people, I just have 3 or 4 coats in my closet. It is not a piece that you buy every month, because a good coat is usually voluminous, expensive, and difficult to find. The problem comes when the winter is close to its end, and I feel so sick of those 3 or 4 coats, especially when I want to wear an outfit that does not go at all with any of them, but I cannot go outside with nothing on it because it is still freezing.
I have always admired antique coats, because they are so extremely well cut, and the materials are so exquisite, that they are even more awesome than the dress under them. Here I have three good examples of 20s' coats that make me dream. Maybe they are not the most useful clothes ever, but when you see such beauties, who cares about that?
miércoles, 11 de diciembre de 2013
lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013
La clásica moda masculina / Classic men's fashion
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Roger Sterling (John Slattery) and Don Draper (Jon Hamm) from "Mad Men". |
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Don Draper (Jon Hamm) from "Mad Men" and Nucky Thompson from "Boardwalk Empire" (source: |
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In the centre, Roger Sterling (John Slattery) with a nautical-inspired outfit. |
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Classic but relaxed executive looks from "Mad Men". |
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Michael Kenneth as Chalky White in "Boardwalk Empire". |
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Nucky Thompson (Steve Buscemi) from "Boardwalk Empire". |
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Lucky Luciano (Vincent Piazza) and Arnold Rothstein (Michael Stuhlbarg), from "Boardwalk Empire". |
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Source: The Sartorialist. |
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Source: The Sartorialist. |
martes, 26 de noviembre de 2013
I wanna wear bright black
Hace unos años solía llevar colores claros mucho más a menudo que ahora. También solía llevar el pelo rubio oscuro y cortado en algo parecido a un estilo bob, de modo que esos colores me favorecían mucho más que con el pelo largo y castaño que llevo ahora. He ido añadiendo muchos más colores a mi armario durante los últimos años (aunque sigo siendo un poquito alérgica a los más cantosos), pero por la noche siempre acabo vistiendo de negro. Sin embargo, los "total look" no acaban de convencerme; necesito añadir algunos toques de brillo para adaptar un LBD (Little Black Dress) a mi propio estilo y no verme tan sosa. Otra opción es mezclar texturas: gasas, terciopelo y cualquier tejido satinado funcionan especialmente bien en negro. He aquí algo de inspiración para hacer destacar vuestros looks en negro.
Some years ago I used to wear light colours much more often than now. I also used to wear a kind of bobby, dark blonde hair, so that colours fit me much better than with my current long and brown hair. I have added much more colours to my wardrobe during the last years (although I am still a little bit allergic to the brightest ones), but I always end up wearing black at nights. However, total looks do not work for me; I need to add some bright touches to adapt a LBD to my own style and do not see myself too insipid. Another option is mixing different textures: chiffon, velvet and any satiny clothe work especially well in black. Here you have some inspiration to make your black looks pop up.
Some years ago I used to wear light colours much more often than now. I also used to wear a kind of bobby, dark blonde hair, so that colours fit me much better than with my current long and brown hair. I have added much more colours to my wardrobe during the last years (although I am still a little bit allergic to the brightest ones), but I always end up wearing black at nights. However, total looks do not work for me; I need to add some bright touches to adapt a LBD to my own style and do not see myself too insipid. Another option is mixing different textures: chiffon, velvet and any satiny clothe work especially well in black. Here you have some inspiration to make your black looks pop up.
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Source: Le Blog de Betty |
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Keira Knightley wearing Chanel. |
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Georigina Sparks from Gossip Girl. |
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Source: Madame de Rosa |
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Source: Madame de Rosa |
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Givenchy |
jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013
My favourite makeup styles
Han pasado años desde que escribí mi último post sobre maquillaje, pero es algo que en realidad me encanta, y siempre ando buscando nuevos estilos e ideas. Aquí os dejo algunos de mis maquillajes favoritos:
It has been ages since I wrote my last makeup post, but it is something that I actually love, and I am always looking for new styles and ideas. These are some of my favourite makeups:
- Ahumado en marrones / Brown smokey eyes. Mi favorito por excelencia. La mayor parte de la gente prefiere el clásico ahumado negro, pero como yo tengo los ojos entre azules y verdes, el marrón los destaca mucho más. My favourite per excellence. Most people prefer the classic black smokey, but I have greeny-blue eyes, so brown makes them pop up much more.
- Ahumado "sucio" / "Dirty" smokey: El accesorio perfecto para los looks más bohemios. Cuando digo "sucio" quiero decir una sombra (solo una, o dos como mucho) mucho más extendida que en el caso anterior. Hay que tener especial cuidado con este estilo, ya que es fácil perder el control y conseguir un acabado más que misterioso, cansado. The perfect accesory for bohemian-inspired looks. When I say 'dirty' I mean an eye-shadow (just one or maybe two) that are much more extended than in the previous case. I have to be careful when doing his makeup, because it is easy to lose control and get a tired look more than a mysterious one.
- Labios rojos / Red lips: He empezado a llevarlos este año, ¡y me he vuelto una adicta! Me encantan porque quedan genial con mi piel pálida y porque no llevan demasiado tiempo. A veces los combino con eyeliner negro para crear el clásico efecto 'pin-up', pero normalmente prefiero llevarlos con solo un poco de sombra de ojos gris. El efecto es mucho más suave y perfecto para cuando no quieres parecer demasiado arreglada. I have started to wear them this year, and I have become an addict! I love them because they fit my fair skin so much and they do not take too much time. Sometimes I wear the classic pin-up look with black eye-liner, but I often prefer to combine them just with a little bit of grey eyeshadow. The effect is softer, perfect if you do not want to look too polished.
martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013
Winter outfits
Por fin ha llegado una nevada de verdad a Trondheim. Ha estado nevando durante más de 3 horas seguidas, y ahora todo aparece cubierto por un precioso manto de color blanco. Me encanta la nieve, pero quizás sea porque no estoy acostumbrada a ella, y mi armario tampoco lo está. Aquí he empezado a llevar abrigos de plumas, botas y demás parafernalia invernal. Al principio me sentía extraña llevando esas cosas, en España no hace tanto frío así que puedo permitirme elegir entre otras opciones que me sientan bastante mejor. Pero aquí en Noruega no me queda otra que ser más práctica. Esa es la razón por la que he estado visitando mis blogs favoritos y seleccionando algunas fotos de los outfits más invernales que he visto, todos ellos tan elegantes como calentitos.
Finally the first real snow came to Trondheim. It has been snowing for more than 3 hours, and now everything is covered by a beautiful white blanket. I love snow, but that is maybe beacuse I am not used to it, and my closet is not either. Here I have started to use feather filled coats, boots and all that winter staff. At first I felt strange with that on me, Spain is not so cold so I can choose some other options that fit me quite better. But here in Norway I must be more practical. This is the reason why I have been visiting my favourite blogs and collecting some pictures of winter outfits, all of them as elegant as warm.
Finally the first real snow came to Trondheim. It has been snowing for more than 3 hours, and now everything is covered by a beautiful white blanket. I love snow, but that is maybe beacuse I am not used to it, and my closet is not either. Here I have started to use feather filled coats, boots and all that winter staff. At first I felt strange with that on me, Spain is not so cold so I can choose some other options that fit me quite better. But here in Norway I must be more practical. This is the reason why I have been visiting my favourite blogs and collecting some pictures of winter outfits, all of them as elegant as warm.
- Botas (he de decir que he empezado a adorarlas) / Boots (I have to say I have started to love them)
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Source: The Clothes Horse. |
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Source: The Clothes Horse |
- Outfits con inspiración dandy (uno de mis básicos, para evitar hacerlos demasiado temáticos, me gusta añadir algún estampado o un color que sea especialmente llamativo) / Dandy inspired outfits (one of my basics, to avoid too costume-y results, I like to add some pattern or a really showy colour).
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Source: Stella's Wardrobe |
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Source: Stella's Wardrobe. |
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J. Crew, F/W 2013 |
- Shorts con medias y jersey (me encanta porque permite adaptar un look de noche a uno de día) / Shorts with tights and a jumper (I love this because it allows me to adapt a night-look to a day-one).
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Source: Le Blog de Betty. |
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Source: Le Blog de Betty. |
- Pieles (sintéticos o naturales, las estolas de piel me vuelven loca y calientan más que la mejor de las bufandas). / Fur (synthetic or natural, fur stoles drive me crazy and they are warmer than the best scarf ever).
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Source: The Sartorialist. |
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Source: The Cherry Blossom Girl. |
- Estampados (para dar un toque alegre a los conjuntos más sosos) / Patterns (to give a happy touch to the most insipid outfits).
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Source: Stella's Wardrobe. |
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Source: Stella's Wardrobe. |
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Source: ALTAMIRA. |
lunes, 21 de octubre de 2013
Velkommen til Trondheim
Sé que ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que escribí el último post. Una de las principales razones de mi ausencia es que me he mudado a una encantadora ciudad de Noruega llamada Trondheim. Obtuve una beca Erasmus, y gracias a ella voy a vivir aquí como estudiante de intercambio durante diez meses. Llegué en agosto y... Bueno, digamos que no sabría deciros si estos dos meses se me han hecho cortos o no. Estoy muy ocupada aquí, pero no me importa porque lo estoy pasando increíblemente bien. Solo hay una cosa de la que estoy totalmente segura, y es que está siendo una de las mejores experiencias de mi vida.
I know it has been such a long time since the last post. One of the main reasons why I have been absent is that I have moved to a lovely city in Norway called Trondheim. I got an Erasmus internship, so I am going to live here as an exchange student for ten months. I arrived on August and... Well, I do not know if these two months have passed quite quickly or not. I am so bussy here, but I do not care because I am having such a great time. The only thing I am absolutely sure about is that this is being one of the best experiences of my life.
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La catedral de Nidaros, a la otra orilla del río Nidelva/ Nidaros Cathedral, on the other side of the river Nidelva. |
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Una de las preciosas calles del antiguo barrio de Baklandet. / One of the beautiful streets of Baklandet's old neighborhood. |
Trondheim is a quite small and cute city located in the centre of Norway. It has a beautiful gothic cathedral called Nidaros, but maybe the most famous part of it are the old wood storehouses flanking both sides of the river Nidelva. The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), where I am studying, is also one of the showiest elements of the town. The main building, just on the back side of the cathedral, looks like an old castle and makes you feel like an auhtentic Harry Potter (actually everybody refers to it as 'Hogwarts').
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Vistas del río Nidelva y los antiguos almacenes de madera situados en sus orillas. / The Nidelva river and the wood storehouses flanking its both sides. |
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La catedral Nidaros. / Nidaros Cathedral. |
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El edificio principal de la NTNU (también conocido como Hogwarts)./ NTNU's main building (also known as Hogwarts). |
P.D.: Perdón por la pobre calidad de las fotos del conjunto. Mi habitación en noruega es tan diminuta que el único sitio donde puedo colocarlos es la cama.
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Pantalones/pants: H&M: camisa/shirt: vintage; blazer: H&M; bolso/bag: vintage from Lotta Vintage; zapatos/shoes: Massimo Dutti (old); cinturón/belt: vintage. |
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Abrigo/coat: Hakei (old); estola/stole: vintage from Lotta Vintage. |
P.D.: Sorry for the poor quality of the outfit's pictures. My Norwegian room is so tiny that the only place I can put my outfits on is the bed.
lunes, 3 de junio de 2013
Flores... / Flowers...
...y flores y más flores. No soy una entusiasta de la primavera, pero he de admitir que tras largas semanas de lluvia ver hasta las zonas más feas de las afueras de Madrid plagadas de flores es toda una delicia. Eso me ha animado a hacer un pequeño post con mis fotos favoritas de estas maravillas de la naturaleza. ¡Feliz primavera!
...and flowers and more flowers. I'm not a Spring enthusiast, but after such long rainy weeks, gazing at fields full of flowers, even at the ugliest suburbs of Madrid, is so delighting. That encouraged me to do a post with my favourite pictures of these wonders of nature. Happy Spring!
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By Elance |
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...and flowers and more flowers. I'm not a Spring enthusiast, but after such long rainy weeks, gazing at fields full of flowers, even at the ugliest suburbs of Madrid, is so delighting. That encouraged me to do a post with my favourite pictures of these wonders of nature. Happy Spring!
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